Most Americans don’t understand Climate Change—I didn’t! As an unbiased researcher, I write without private opinions but want to review the facts—not what politicians, government, and media promote. With open minds, please allow me to share my in-depth studies from many reputable sources that will surprise you…as it did me!
Before climate discussions surfaced, I became curious when we flew over Greenland and witnessed enormous amounts of ice breaking up. While visiting Alaska, concerned bush pilots shared how glaciers are disappearing or melting (Muir Glacier has retreated 7 miles, and “thickness” decreased by 2,500 feet). Yet, Alaskan Hubbard Glacier, the largest North American ice structure, spanning six miles long and 40 stories tall, is growing! This all can be confusing! Who should we believe? Is Global Warming something to be concerned about?
Most would agree that back-to-back Hurricanes Helene and Milton caused tremendous damages, like the unexpected 1,000-year floods in Ashville, NC that wiped out communities. The storms, with high winds, power outages, and flooding, caught many off guard, including senior meteorologists. We are reminded of South Carolina’s 100-year flood where we experienced a stalled tropical storm with sudden torrential rainfall that flooded our cities, homes, and businesses!
Growing up in the 1950s, most people didn’t have air conditioning in cars, schools, or homes. Summers were warm but not sizzling hot—2024 will be the hottest year on record! We’re currently reading about severe droughts, floods, and ongoing wildfires in Canada and the Western U.S., while numerous horrific tornados and hurricanes pound America. Water shortages are growing—forty-million people in the Southwest depend on the 1,500-mile Colorado River; yet, its water level is declining. States are scrambling to ration the river’s limited water. One has to ask: “Is something going on in our atmosphere that caused these dreaded attacks?” There’s convincing evidence that the Earth is warming. But, is it caused by nature, humans, or a combination of both?
I hear extensive misinformation spread by those who support or disagree with the climate change phenomena. It’s hard to decipher what’s true or false. One Washington politician spread bizarre rumors that the government controlled the latest hurricane killers Helene and Milton—thousands of conspirators, spread the word to millions which translated delusional thinking into proven information!
Now, let’s review how Americans think about climate change. According to the 2024 Pew Foundation Survey, 88% of Republicans and conservatives: promote energy independence, don’t believe Global Warming is a threat, and support increasing fossil fuel production. However, 70% of the same groups support building solar power farms, harnessing wind power, and building more nuclear plants. On the opposing political side, 78% of Democrats and progressives strongly advocate clean or green energy (wind-solar-wind power) and think Global Warming is a growing menace and should be a national priority. Others don’t have an opinion or think contrary to their politics. This independent article does not support any single theory or political viewpoint.
Natural Causes of Global Warming
Let’s begin with nature affecting our horrific weather. I was surprised to learn that based on radiometric dating Earth is more than four billion years old! Evidence documents that 100 million warmer years ago, the ocean covered most of the Eastern U.S. As a child, I remember finding seashells in the sand near my home in Darlington, South Carolina (far from the current coast). In fact, half of South Carolina experienced ancient ocean waters. When global temperatures drop, ice forms at the North and South poles; then ice spreads and covers the continents. Earth began cooling 3 million years ago which resulted in five North American major Ice Ages.
Some who deny Climate Change as a major problem reference the horrific weather, particularly hurricanes: “It’s just nature.” Good point! I examined the number of storms recorded since weather history began in 1851. Individuals who take this perspective were correct in that the U.S. had many hurricanes over the last 173 years. The National Hurricane Center reported each decade had about two “annual” hurricanes. Take Note! The Atlantic hurricane season in a “single year” (2020) witnessed a whopping 30 named tropical storms, 14 hurricanes (7 of which were major 3-5 categories), and was the worst severe U.S. weather ever recorded—2024 will break records! Hurricanes are now forming from tropical storms to rapidly becoming forceful hurricanes because of warm waters. NASA reported when Helene and Milton traveled over the Gulf of Mexico, water temperatures were 88 degrees which provided potent fuel for the storms to become immensely powerful (Cat-4-5) in brief periods.
Warm waters are also impacting worldwide ice. International Glacier Collaboration determined that strong heated ocean currents traveling beneath West Antarctica's Thwaites Glacier (the size of Florida) and melting it “from the bottom-up,” are making it vulnerable to breaking apart in pieces. It has so much ice that if it were to melt and disintegrate, sea-level rises could increase. Worldwide, 200,000 glaciers cover 5 million square miles, contains 2% of Earth’s water that’s frozen, and could be impacted by increased temperatures.
So, there’s a high probability that the Earth goes through natural heating and cooling evolutions but scientists are unable to determine exact causes. Most research indicates Earth’s varying orbits around the sun, position in the solar system, and the planet’s tilt variations can cause climate change. One has to wonder: “Does the Earth experience long-term seasons over thousands of years like we experience every few months? Are we in a warming period?”
Human Causes of Climate Change and Global Warming
When the sun shines rays toward Earth, radiation is absorbed by the environment or bounces back into space. Unfortunately, heated-reflective rays are trapped by atmospheric gases known as the “Greenhouse Effect” which increases Earth’s temperature. The most dangerous, invisible gases are carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (80 X worse than CO2), and nitrous-oxide accumulating 200+ years forming a harmful dome over the Earth. Many see beautiful American blue skies and not invisible greenhouse gases.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology regularly measures atmospheric gases. Scientists determined when the Ice Ages ended, it took 5,000 years for the Earth to warm 45 degrees. However, during the past 100 years, temperatures have risen eight times faster than ice-age recoveries! Nine of the hottest periods in U.S. weather history occurred in the last 15 years, with 2024 breaking records! Why is this occurring?
Earth began to warm faster with the beginning of the Industrial Revolution in the mid-1700s when European countries moved from farming to manufacturing, followed by the U.S. in the 1800s. Coal was the main fuel source that powered ships and trains, heated homes and businesses, manufactured steel, and generated electricity. By 1900, half the world’s energy came from cheap, abundant coal which unfortunately produced 20 toxic chemicals and gases that accelerated the Greenhouse Effect.
If Global Warming exists because of dangerous gas emissions, which countries are the main polluters? China leads with 26% of the CO2 since coal is their primary fuel source. Surprisingly, America (with only 4% of the world’s population) is the second highest (13%) while European Union nations ranked 3rd and India 4th. In the U.S., most greenhouse gases are generated by cars/trucks, electricity production, and industries. Fossil fuels contribute 80% of greenhouse gases. Other issues add to Global Warming: (1) Forest Elimination: Trees absorb CO2 and convert dangerous gases to Oxygen known as photosynthesis. However, 40,000 square miles of forests are eliminated annually to create 5,000 different products, housing developments, livestock pastures, and farmlands. South America and Africa are leading tree-cutting-countries; (2) Agriculture provides critical foods, but farming is the third-highest methane contributor. In addition, fertilizers contain Nitrogen which emits nitrous oxide; (3) Manufacturing releases methane and other gases (cement accounts for significant CO2); and (4) Waste Management, particularly trash landfills, produces methane. Of course, we can’t eliminate all these gas generators since most are needed.
According to NASA, more than 90% of climate scientists determined Global Warming is caused significantly by humans. As a result of their research, 185 countries signed the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement to reduce global warming, including the U.S.
Profit-driven oil companies, while early fierce Climate Change opponents, now acknowledge climate change and warming are real. In November 2024, Exxon CEO, Darren Woods, advocated remaining in the Paris Climate Coalition and Exxon plans to reduce greenhouse gases.
The good news is U.S. and China’s production has leveled off since both countries heavily invested in clean energy (wind-solar-waterpower). China built the largest solar farm spread over 33,000 acres and Los Angeles California created a solar field of five square miles—nearly a 2-million solar panels! More than 200,000 homes in South Carolina are powered by solar power. While China creates the most greenhouse gases, the country realized that clean energy was an investment opportunity and now is the largest supplier for most nations with green energy products.
America is the world’s top petroleum producer (pumping 14 million daily barrels) and natural gas exporter, followed by Saudia Arabia, Russia, and Canada. We still rely on 35% of our petroleum needs from other countries (Canada and OPEC). Another surprise! We export 10 million barrels of oil annually to other countries! Many ask, “If we have so much oil on U.S. soil, why are we still buying petroleum from and selling oil to other nations?” While it sounds good in theory to produce more oil from US soil, surprisingly, the Wall Street Journal reported in November 2024 that oil companies don’t appear to be interested in increasing production because it would drive down petroleum prices and reduce companies ‘profits.
Well, I’m not giving up my 64’ Corvette, but IF Global Warming is in fact occurring and humans are partly responsible, we all should help so future generations won’t suffer devasting consequences. Consider purchasing high-gas-mileage hybrid cars with turbo-charged engines that alternate using gasoline and batteries. If interested in electric-powered vehicles, buy now since great deals are available and 2025 tax credits will evaporate.
Home and business re-cycling requires little extra work but becomes an environmentally saving habit. Energy-saving appliances are great, but AVOID name-brand, cheap washers/dryers made overseas that have short life spans and create family nightmares! If you pursue the good deals, purchase low-cost 5-year extended warranties—you’ll need them!
High-quality, US-made Speed Queen ENERGY-STAR washers/dryers with seven-year warranties and 20-year lifespans are excellent investments. Install high-efficient HVAC systems, low-energy lighting and water heaters, and R-38 attic insulation. Utility companies conduct free home and business energy audits and offer energy-saving rebates.
Individuals we interviewed on Climate Change expressed passionate supporting or opposing responses, but few gave reasons for their views. Many were influenced by their political party or the media. Most expressed frustrations the two sides can’t stop fighting with a climate philosophy “My way or the highway!” Nearly all desired that we harvest more fossil fuels from US lands for the immediate future (with some revenues used to pay off America’s budget deficit and reduce high gas prices). Since other countries will be selling their oil to the world, why not America? Surveys also documented majority of citizens want politicians, government, and businesses to expand and reward clean energy as a long-term priority.
Bottom Line: Elon Musk, Founder of Tesla and SpaceX, employing thousands of scientists, determined “Climate change is the biggest threat that humanity faces this century. But oil and gas shouldn’t be demonized in the medium-term” (Forbes and Reuters). Socrates determined, “It’s a mark of educated minds that carefully entertain two opposing thoughts before reaching conclusions.” Hopefully, we have objectively presented both sides of the climate-warming debate.
Mike voluntarily authors these articles for 5 newspapers and other Blogs to fulfill his purpose, “Creating opportunities to improve lives.” Visit his nonprofit website and register to receive his monthly articles or Daily Thoughts plus free access to his books, including “The Art of Building Great Businesses.” The website includes 100+ published articles he has written on business, travel, and personal topics, in addition to health research with Surb Guram, MD, Allison Cashman, MD, and David Hurst, DMV.
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