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How to Find Work In Good Times and Bad

Job hunting is hard work, even in normal times. Here are some tips on how to prepare for your search, ...
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Coronavirus: Facts You Should Know

By Mike DuBoseA fast-spreading illness called COVID-19 is sweeping across the world, bringing with it waves of fear and misinformation. ...
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Mike DuBose’s 70-Year Journey

When writing their biographies, most leaders choose to emphasize their achievements and accolades. They list awards they have won, degrees ...
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Should I Take Aspirin? Helpful Prevention or Hidden Danger

By Mike DuBose with Surb Guram, MDIn a 2016 Harvard Health newsletter from Harvard Medical School, Robert Shmerling, MD wrote: ...
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The Art of Saving Money

Saving money, even in small ways, can help keep a business afloat in difficult times.
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Successfully Selling Your Business

If you're a business owner, you've likely put many years and lots of hard work into your why skimp ...
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What You Should Know When Retiring

Retirement is a major life event that everyone should prepare for to ensure that the "Golden Years" don't turn into ...
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How to Find, Interview, and Hire Great Employees

The quality of its employees can make or break a business. Learn how to attract great people and recruit them ...
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What Impacts Car Insurance Rates?

By Mike DuBose and Blake DuBoseHave you ever wondered why your automobile insurance rate is what it is? Even if ...
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How to Improve Your Credit Score—And Why You Should Try

Credit scores may seem like just one little number, but they can have a huge impact on your life! Learn ...
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How to Find a Competent, Honest Mechanic—And Avoid the Crooked Ones

By Mike DuBose After a home, cars are usually one of the most expensive possessions a ...
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Why the National Deficit Matters to Businesses and Beyond

Understanding the complexities of the national deficit, including its causes, contributing factors, and effects, can be difficult. Here, we explain ...
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